The Revelation: Eyes wide open, chin up, head straight & facing forward, back straight and most of all, ears are at attention!Jazzies Advisory: (These are my feelings so no one should get offended, I will not name anyone so there should be no worries!)
So as you can see in this segment I am going to discuss the things that have been revealed to me during my first year of college!
*Relationships of Intimacy*Okay, so most people know that I have a boyfriend and some may know that we're engaged! If you didn't know before well you know the story! But back to the lecture at hand, so since I have a man I did not have to concern myself with finding one. (These are my feelings so no one should get offended, I will not name anyone so there should be no worries!) But there were many college girls around me that were longing to find a significant other, and there's nothin wrong with that. The problem is when you settle for almost anything that is available to you, even if its not yours! I know some people are thinking, well you had/have a boyfriend so you did not have to worry about that! And I know some are also thinking how dare you speak on such a topic that you know nothing about!
Trust me sweetie I know all about it, I have been a witness to it for years of my life, so i'm no dummy! And even if it were me in the situation, I know that I would not react to it in that manner! And the guys are sitting back laughing at the females as they play each other.
Its like the same shit, new day and possibly a Different bed, bedroom, or location! And then at then end of the day two beautiful sistahs that could have been the best of friends are suddenly at war with each other! Whats up with that yall? Ladies lets stop worrying about having a relationship and lets focus are attention on ourselves! Lets concern ourselves with becoming a better person, becoming a great WOMAN, and most of all lets concern ourselves with graduating from college on time! Because regardless if you end up dating the guy in which your heart longs for, I can assure you that he will get his shit together and get his degree(s)!
The last thing I would like to say about this topic is that if your gonna mess around with a guy, u better either make sure he makes you his Official Girl/Only One(Not #1 cuz then theres room for a #2) or you better accept the fact that your his CUTTY BUDDY/F**K BUDDY AND THAT HE WILL(I REPEAT) HE WILL HAVE MORE GIRLS LIKE YOU AROUND HIM. Meaning YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE...YOU MIGHT BE HIS LAST PICK ACTUALLY...AND IF YOUR FIRST...DON'T THINK YOU'RE SPECIAL...CUZ YOUR ISH MUST NOT BE THAT GOOD IF HE AINT WIFED YOU OR IF HE HAS TO HAVE HIS CAKE AND EAT IT TO!*My Dreams and Aspirations*Man coming into UCR last year I hella dreams and aspirations that I just knew that I was going to fulfill! But guess what? That never ever happened! I guess the chips did not fall down in my favor. I was really sad because one of dreams was something I dreamed about for 11 years! At times when I think about it, it hurts my heart. But as I grow, I'm learning to get over it and I'm realizing that some dreams will just have to remain as a dreams, and when its time for that dream to become a reality, it will do so! But one aspiration that I will never ever let go of is to become a
WOMAN OF GREATNESS!Will They ever Grow up?I thought that once you went to college all of your immature attitudes would go away and I thought that the cattiness of females would cease to exist. But that is not true at all. You see, after careful consideration and review, I have came to the conclusion that Colleges and Universities are great stages for assholes & clowns to entertain their own ignorances, insensitivites, inconsistences, and ego's! And for those of us who actually are trying to mature, we are forced to have front row/Nose Bleed seats and witness the bullshit!
Oh and the Haters, don't let me roll outta here w/o giving yall a piece of cake
...HATERS...HATERS...HATERS: HATERS EVERYWHERE I GO!So just like I assumed the clowns would grow out of their suits, I assumed the
HATERS WOULD HAVE GAINED THEIR CONFIDENCE BY NOW AND THEY WOULD HAVE CROSSED OVER 2 MY CLUB!Well I was wrong once again! The HATERS just find a bigger and better way to hate on you! It's like they have mastered the
HATERNESS! I used to get mad at the fact that females would Hate on me, but now I embrace the
Its like if they aint HATEN then I need to step MY "P**SY GAME UP"-Nicki Minaj!... So if you're a HATER and you're reading this, Please Please Feel FREE TO HATE ON ME!